
DISP-MAG 2009 version 1.0

El IMSS puso a disposición de los patrones el nuevo DISP-MAG 2009 Con el nuevo dispositivo, los patrones capturan altas, reingresos, modificaciones salariales y bajas de sus trabajadores



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Comentarios: 2
  • #1

    Louis Vuitton iPhone 6S Wallet Case (jueves, 08 octubre 2015 07:37)

    Size is the obvious difference here between the S6, with the more modest screen size of making this one of the smaller devices we’ve seen in a while, especially when compared to any of its flagship competition in the Android world

  • #2

    Samsung Galaxy Note 3 Wallet Case (lunes, 10 octubre 2016 10:02)

    It uses the new Qualcomm Snapdragon 821, which is a small but significant update to the Snapdragon 820, seen in most major flagship phones released during 2016.